June 5-6, 2019

The Future of MEMS Chip Testing

The MEMS Seminar is now behind us and we can look back on a thriving and insightful event. We would like to thank you – our international customers, suppliers and business relations – for your presence at the MEMS Seminar and we sincerely hope you enjoyed it. Thanks to your participation we believe the inspiring presentations and fruitful discussions enable future collaborations on this topic.


Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

12:00 - Registration and lunch buffet


Welcome and Opening - Paul van Ulsen - Salland Engineering
Biography Paul van Ulsen
Paul van Ulsen is responsible for all aspects of corporate governance for Salland Engineering worldwide. Paul joined Salland in 1993 as a Test Application engineer. He became Manager of the Test Application business unit and soon demonstrated his sales skills as Managing Director for Salland Europe. Prior to Salland, Paul worked for Rood Testhouse International as a mixed-signal application engineer. He is a graduate of Windesheim Technical University in electronics and computer engineering.
MEMS Qualification & FA - Kees Revenberg - MASER
Abstract: Environmental and Mechanical qualification tests and Failure Analysis of MEMS devices
The functional scope of MEMS devices adds another domain, on top an electrical function. Therefore, the qualification approach of an electronic device is not sufficient to draw conclusions about the product quality and reliability aspects. This introduction gives an overview of the additional test methods and techniques that are used for a range of MEMS devices. The second part will focus on the additional challenges on Failure Analysis of MEMS devices. Both the Q&R test and the F/A is part of the service portfolio of MASER Engineering.

Biography Kees Revenberg
Kees Revenberg is co-founder and managing director of MASER Engineering. His primary focus fields are the corporate strategy, sales & marketing and finance. He graduated as BSc in electronics in 1982 at the University for Applied Technology in Zwolle, The Netherlands. He started his career as a chip test program developer with an independent test house in the Netherlands, followed by the start of their Quality & Reliability test services and managed that department for five years until the company stopped its activities in 1992. After starting MASER Engineering in 1993 he co-developed the company to a significant player in Europe for independent Test & Analysis services of micro- electronics with a central laboratory in Enschede, the Netherlands and sales offices in United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium and Israel.
MEMS flow sensors - Joost Lotters - Bronkhorst/UT
Abstract: MEMS flow sensors: technology, products and applications
In 1974, the first ever MEMS flow sensor was presented in a journal paper. Since then, 45 years have passed, more than 500 journal papers have been published, and many products based on MEMS flow sensors have been introduced to the market. In this presentation, a short review of micromachined flow sensors will be presented, followed by some examples of products and applications.

Biography Joost Lotters
Prof. dr. ir. Joost Lötters is Science Officer at Bronkhorst High-Tech BV and professor of MicroFluidic Handling systems at the University of Twente. In 1997 he joined Bronkhorst High-Tech BV, Ruurlo, The Netherlands. Since then, his research has concentrated on flow measurement and control in the field of thermal, Coriolis and ultrasonic flow sensing, including the ISO17025 accredited calibration laboratory for gas and liquid flow, and pressure. In 2015, he was appointed part-time professor microfluidic handling systems at the University of Twente. Since then his research has focused on microfluidic handling systems, i.e. integrated systems for the accurate measurement, control, dosage and analysis of (micro) flows. Highlights include a micro Coriolis flow sensor, a micro proportional control valve, a micro Wobbe index meter and a single chip multiparameter flow measurement system, e.g. to determine composition or energy content of gas or liquid mixtures. In 2017, he became member of the board of experts for the Dutch national measurement standards. In 2018, he was appointed technical assessor flow at the Dutch Accreditation Council. Joost Lötters is inventor or co-inventor of more than 30 patents and author or co-author of more than 100 journal and conference papers.

14:30 - Break with drinks and snacks


Thermomechanical noise - Dennis Alveringh - Salland Engineering
Abstract: Thermomechanical noise in micromachined sensors: the fundamental specification for MEMS test equipment?
Thermomechanical noise causes random vibrations in resonators. As many sensors consist of a mechanical mass-spring-damper system, the thermomechanical noise defines a fundamental limit to the sensor's resolution. This effect has been modeled using the equipartition theorem and validated in an experimental laser Doppler vibrometry setup for a large range of temperatures. This is probably quite interesting from an academic point of view, but how can thermomechanical noise be translated to the actual resolution of the specific quantity the sensor is designed for (e.g. acceleration, force, fluid flow)? And how does thermomechanical noise lead to specifications for future electrical MEMS test equipment?

Biography Dennis Alveringh
Dr. Ir. Dennis Alveringh received the MSc degree in electrical engineering from the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, in 2013, on the subject of microfabricated multi-axis capacitive force/torque sensors. He joined the Integrated Devices and Systems Group, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology at the same university where he finished his PhD research on physical microfluidic sensors, e.g., noise limitations in Coriolis mass flow sensors, density sensors, relative permittivity sensors, and pressure/flow sensor integration for viscosity sensing. In 2018, he joined Salland Engineering (Europe) B.V. where he focuses on test development for ICs and MEMS.
PZT Microcantilever Sensors - Aleksandar Andreski - Saxion/Tech4Future
Abstract: Readout Strategies for PZT Microcantilevers in E-Nose Applications
Electronic detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in gaseous media has many applications in the environmental [1], medical [2] and security [3] sectors. One of them is the early detection of various pollutants, of fire/burning, defects in equipment and even diseases. Such quick detection enables preventive actions to be taken as soon as possible. In early detection applications, the sensors must however be able to detect very low VOC concentrations, typically in the 10s of ppm to 100s of ppb range. The technological challenge is then to achieve as low detection limit (LOD) as possible while still preserving selectivity to the desired panel of VOCs. The basis for our work lies in learning more about the practical applicability of piezo-MEMS technology, in this case for early detection of VOCs. Drifts in the underlying physical and chemical processes as well as environmental variations introduce uncertainties that can partly be reduced by suitable readout techniques. So, for example, the electronic interface to a vibrating piezoelectric cantilever sensor can be designed so as to minimize the influence of the parallel parasitic capacitance of the piezo-layer, thus preventing any drifts therein to result in false readings. On the other hand, fast incremental measurements (with e.g. a switched sample-flush procedure) will naturally reject all drifts that appear on time-scales larger than the measurement speed. Such methods are however not always practical for a given application, leading to compromises and an LOD which may be different that figures reported in the research literature.

Here we present various readout strategies optimized for achieving low detection limits for piezo-actuated MEMS cantilevers. The two most commonly used types of readout are impedance-based methods and phase-lock methods. We compared them with regard to speed, ease of implementation in an end-product and practically achievable detection limit. Our results are supported by measurements on PZTactuated microcantilevers.

Biography Aleksandar Andreski
Aleksandar Andreski is born in 1978 in Ohrid, Macedonia. He graduated in Electronics a Telecommunications at the SS Cyrul a Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia (2001) en then studied Microelectronic Design at the TU Delft where he graduated in 2003. After that, he worked for Philips Semiconductors (now NXP) in the Chief Technology Office as an IC design engineer until 2006 when he left for the University of Twente. He has received his PhD on the topic of high-speed superconducting electronics from the University of Twente in 2011. Since then he works at the Saxion University of Applied Sciences as a lecturer/researcher, then head lecturer and now as an associate lector on the topic of Reliability of chip-based MEMS/NEMS devices.
Low capacitance - Armando Bonilla Fernandez - Salland Engineering
Abstract: PoC - integrating low capacitance measurement into ATE
The use of MEMS devices is continuously growing. Nowadays, one of their biggest applications is in the sensing field, where MEMS are used to develop pressure sensors, accelerometers, gyroscopes, inertial combos, etc. For such sensors, a capacitive read-out is preferred in many cases due to its advantages, which include low temperature coefficients, low power dissipation, low noise and low-cost fabrication. One of the main challenges of MEMS devices’ fabrication is the fact that high-volume testing normally requires custom-made test set-ups. This is due to the complexity of multi-domain systems. In this session, we will discuss a proof-of-concept to check the feasibility of integrating a low capacitance measurement into an Automatic Testing Equipment (ATE). For this proof, special attention has been paid to the distance between both the paired Device Under Test & Measurement system and the multichannel instrument implementation. Based on this proof-of-concept, our aim is to optimize the testing procedure for a wide range of MEMS devices.

Biography Armando Bonilla Fernandez
Armando has a Bachelor degree in Mechatronics from the UANL in Mexico with 3 years of experience in industrial automation. He received the MSc degree in electrical engineering from the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, in 2016, with specialization in Robotics and Mechatronics. In 2017 he joined Salland Engineering (Europe) B.V. where he focuses on Design Verification of electronic instrumentation and hardware design.


MEMS & Sensors packaging - Marco Koelink - Boschman
Abstract: Molded packaging solutions for MEMS & Sensors
This review paper gives an overview of existing package solutions for MEMS and sensors with focus on transfer-molded packages. Examples for numerous applications will be shown and ongoing and expected developments will be discussed.

Biography Marco Koelink
Marco Koelink holds a PhD/MSc in Applied Physics from the University of Twente and an MBA from Tilburg University. He has diverse experience with a.o. Philips and NXP in semiconductors, display technology, solid-state lighting, medical, and industrial equipment. His previous roles include Development Manager for NXP RF Power; Director of Materials Analysis for Philips Research; and Market Intelligence Manager for Philips Lighting. As a Business Development Manager, Marco is currently responsible for marketing and sales activities at Boschman Advanced Packaging Technology.
MEMS developments - Henk Leeuwis - LioniX International
Abstract: MEMS developments by LioniX
Next to its world-renowned integrated photonics based chips and modules, LioniX International develops customized MEMS solutions and produces them in small to medium volumes. We offer flexibility in design as well as in process. We are prepared to leave the standard processing routes and develop customized process variations and combinations to achieve manufacturable solutions meeting your specification requirements. Our customer base consists of OEM’s, system integrators and startups looking for a MEMS solution. Our MEMS activities are driven by technology and as such our projects are not focused on any particular market. However, we experience a particular influx in the MEMS hot areas, such as bioMEMS, Opto&Microfluidics, Physical and Chemical Sensors. In the presentation some examples of MEMS developments for customers will be dealt with, next to a PZT piezo platform, originally developed for electro-optic actuation in integrated photonics systems-on-a-chip, however applicable in MEMS developments as well.

Biography Henk Leeuwis
Henk Leeuwis (m) (Vice-President, Strategy and Innovation) obtained his MSc degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Twente. He has been active in micro/nano system technology for over 35 years. He has been project manager and department head including the responsibility for marketing and sales (Dutch Centre for Micro-Electronics (1984-87), 3T BV (1988 - 2001). Since January 2002 he has been Executive VP and Head Space Dept at LioniX BV (since 2016 LioniX International BV) and since 2012 he is responsible for R&D project initiation in national, EU and NSO/ESA framework as Vice-President Strategy and Innovation. He has been and is active in numerous European programs as project leader for RTD projects and as proposal evaluator. He is Honorary Founder of the Dutch Micro/Nano Technology Association MinacNed and is involved in numerous governmental task forces and committees. Henk Leeuwis is being active in business development for lab-on-chip technology over the last 25 years including collaborations with biotech, pharma and medical partners. He is one of the initiators in establishing an ecosystem in the area of Personalized Medicine and Companion Diagnostics in the Netherlands.

18:00 - Tour at Salland Engineering facility

19:30 - Social Event - drinks and dinner

Thursday, June 6th, 2019

09:00 - Registration and Coffee/Tea


MEMS handling - Nigel Beddoe - Cohu
Today the direction on reducing MEMS die sizes based on “more than Moore” is also driving down the end package size and whilst for ASIC die this does not present many problems at test, for MEMS it is a major issue. In the presentation we will review the difficulties associated with stimulating smaller packaging, ever tightening specifications and the demand for higher parallelism to reduce the CoT. Almost all MEMS are unique in the fact they need a physical stimulus to enable them to be calibrated and trimmed and whilst in the laboratory this only poses minor issues it is a major challenge in a full 24/7 production environment. Today we see sensors tested on gravity handlers, especially for automotive, up to 4 sites, on Pick & Place handlers, up to 32 sites, but, to effectively reduce the CoT on low ASP MEMS, the customers need to test >100 sites. The solutions for high parallel test have been around for more than a decade but these solutions were on the larger packages >= 2mm x 2mm and were based on specification which, in hindsight, were quite easy to achieve by today’s standards but back then were a big challenge. As we move forward with the development of new types of sensors and finding new uses for sensors, we start to run into roadblocks in meeting all the “production environment” requirements. This presentation will explore the challenges the test handler companies are facing from a physical dimension as well as a testing structure dimension and will show some of the possibilities that have been, and are, being developed by Cohu.

Biography Nigel Beddoe
Nigel Beddoe is the Director Product Marketing – MEMS & Sensors for Cohu’s Handler Group. After graduating from the University of Wales in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nigel has been in the Semiconductor Final Test environment since 1978. In his positions at previous companies such as Inmos (UK) and STMicroelectronics (Malaysia), he gained experience using a variety of semiconductor test solutions. Since the year 2000, Nigel has been with Multitest, previously a Xcerra company, and now part of Cohu Inc., as a provider of semiconductor test solutions. He was previously in the business development role from 2013 until 2018 covering all handler products, and since the end of last year assumed the role above purely focusing on the MEMS & Sensors markets with fully integrated test cell solutions provided by Cohu.
MEMS dynamic Testing - Hugh Miller - Solidus Technologies, Inc.
Abstract: Testing Dynamic Product Performance of Capacitive MEMS Sensors at Wafer Level
Testing the electro/mechanical behavior of capacitive MEMS elements (accelerometers, gyros, mirrors, microphones and resonators) is a requirement for verifying and screening for performance of the sensor element. This presentation will provide information on an innovative test methodology that can empirically determine, record, and analyze the MEMS element’s dynamic electro/mechanical behavior at wafer-level through electrical stimulation. This dynamic test method provides a fast reliable method to extract product behavior data at wafer level which can be used to sort MEMS products for performance, determine fabrication process variation and establish Known Good Die (KGD).

Biography Hugh D. Miller
Hugh Miller, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Solidus Technologies, Inc. has been a recognized contributor to the MEMS industry for 20+ years with experience in MEMS; Element Design, Manufacturing, Wafer Testing and Package Testing. He has consulted with numerous MEMS companies and organizations, in addition to supplying test equipment and test methods to the industry. Previously Mr. Miller held various MEMS related Technical and Management positions with Ford Microelectronics and Coventor. BSME Seattle University, Patent Pending MEMS gyro and pressure sensors.

10:30 - Break with drinks and snacks


CMUT MEMS - Rob van Schaijk - Philips Innovation Services
Abstract: CMUT: a versatile ultrasonic platform developed by Philips
Philips Innovation Services operates a state-of-the-art 2650 m2 pure-play MEMS Foundry on the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. This MEMS Foundry is specialized in low to medium volume custom MEMS manufacturing. We provide creative solutions from prototype to production for a wide range of applications and for many different companies. One example is our ultrasonic platform based on capacitive micro-machined ultrasonic transducers (CMUT). CMUT are MEMS based structures that transmit and receive acoustic signals in the ultrasonic range. They enable breakthrough applications for ultrasound, complementing conventional piezo technology with advantages such as small form factor, large bandwidth, easy fabrication of large arrays, and integration with driver circuitry: CMUT-on-CMOS. In this presentation, the development of a CMUT platform to full manufacturing capability will be shown, including the design, processing and integration with the focus on device and product testing. This CMUT platform is available for different applications and open for external customers. The main use for CMUT is in the field of imaging, but this technology can also be used as a miniature capacitive pressure sensor. For both uses, the tests on wafer- and product level are explained. For imaging, yield is determined on wafer level with capacitance measurements. The acoustic performance is tested on sample basis on PCB. For pressure sensing, most important is the pressure sensitivity measurement on wafer level. New fast test methods for CMUT were developed in collaboration with Salland Engineering.

Biography Rob van Schaijk
Rob van Schaijk joined Philips Innovation Services in 2017, in the MEMS and Micro Devices department as principal architect. His main responsibility is MEMS process development in the Philips MEMS foundry with a focus on CMUT technology. With 20 years of experience in semiconductors, MEMS, and IC technology in various positions, from senior scientist to R&D manager. From 1999 until 2007, he worked for Philips Research, Philips Semiconductors, and NXP on topics in the area of silicon processing. From 2007 until 2017, he worked for IMEC in the Holst Centre, as principal researcher and R&D manager with a focus on the development of energy harvesters and sensors for use in wireless sensor nodes. He obtained a Master’s degree in applied physics from the Technical University of Eindhoven in 1995 and a PhD degree from the University of Amsterdam in 1999 in semiconductor physics.
Automotive MEMS pressure Sensors - Gerard Klaasse - Sensata
Abstract: Sensata automotive MEMS pressure sensors
Sensata is one of the world’s leading suppliers of sensing, electrical protection, control and power management solutions. Sensata is a key market player in automotive, appliance, aircraft, industrial, military, heavy vehicle, off-road, HVAC, data, telecom, RV, and marine markets. A large part of our business consists of automotive pressure sensors for engine control, transmission control, tyre pressure monitoring (TPMS) and exhaust applications. The exhaust environment is very corrosive, which puts stringent requirements on acid robustness of the whole sensor. Sensata has therefore developed a technology platform that is able to operate in a corrosive environment. This includes a MEMS pressure sense element with Platinum metallization that is fully corrosion resistant. The zero-defect mindset in the automotive industry requires a high quality control level that includes wafer probing, optical inspection and statistical process control during pressure calibration.

Biography Gerard Klaasse
Gerard Klaasse joined Sensata Technologies in 2006 as an MEMS Design Engineer and is an expert on MEMS pressure sense element design and MEMS pressure sensor calibration. He graduated at the University of Twente (The Netherlands) as an Electrical Engineer. After that, he joined IMEC in Leuven (Belgium) to work as a PhD researcher in the field of RF MEMS, for which he received a PhD degree from the Catholic University of Leuven.
Test strategies for automotive MEMS products - Thomas Lehner - Elmos Semiconductor AG
Abstract: Test strategies for MEMS products for the automotive industry
Details will follow soon

Biography Thomas Lehner
Thomas Lehner is Manager Engineering Backend at Elmos Semiconductor AG in Dortmund / Germany. He holds a Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Dortmund. Thomas joined Elmos in 1986 and started as a test engineer. In his current position he is responsible for the definition, development and production integration of test solutions for integrated Circuits and MEMs products, including optical and magnetic applications. Elmos develops, produces and markets semiconductors and sensors, primarily for use in the automotive industry.

13:00 - Lunch buffet

14:30 - Presentation Solidus MEMS Tester

15:30 - Social Event - drinks and snacks

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